Thursday, June 12, 2008

Note from the Atrial Resident SF

Dear Atrial Resident, If i could do an illustration of you this is how I would do it. But the slit on the side would be much much higher(almost to the armpit neighbourhood, zipcode area) and she should also wear adidas tennis shoes in shiny gold or you prefer Doc Martens?


Anonymous said...

one thing I forgot; you'll be carrying your Chloe bag in one hand & a Balenciaga in the other! Yes, even during the jump stunt off Niagara Fall, you'll still be carrying those bags!!!

~Atrial Res SF a.k.a L-indah

garygoh said...

I have only 1 word and 3 syllables to say"FA-BU-LOUS"

I Know Ur Girlfriend Hates Me (Get Shakes Remix)